Dimension manager (for Eulumdat files)

The dimension manager is used to determine the shape and size of the lighting surface. The IESNA LM-63 and Eulumdat file formats support different lighting surface formats that are not compatible with each other.

In the case of Eulumdat files, it is possible to specify the dimensions of the luminaire in addition to luminous area. The dimensions of the luminaire can be specified with values of Diameter of luminaire, Width of luminaire and Height of luminaire. If the shape of the base of the luminaire is not a circle, the corresponding labels will automatically change.

The dimensions of the luminous area can be specified by changing the values of Diameter of luminous area and Width of luminous. If the luminous area of the base of the luminaire is not a circle, the corresponding labels change automatically and it is possible to enter other data.

For Eulumdat files, it is possible to specify the height of the luminous area in each C-halfplanes.

Eulumdat files only support the mm unit, so special care must be taken when specifying individual parameters.

You can apply the changes by clicking the save button.